Welcome to my website. It is currently under construction so please keep checking back to see new additions. Current Work is being added in the Oars Library II. Take a look.
How the Collected Oarswork Came to Be
In California, in 1970, a man in a rowboat, hovering, shimmering like tinsel, suddenly appeared in my living room. I had grown tired on an "art of inner necessity," tired, too, of Pop Art's embrace of the commonplace. I wanted to create a new world.
It was a gift, this vision. I took the Oarsman as my subject- a traveler in a small boat who sets out (as we all do) over unknown seas. I began by stocking the boat with objects and paintings of bread, cheese, sausage and drink. (See Earlier Works: Oarsman's Origins) I also created a library of visual books for him. (See Oarslibrary I under Earlier Works.) Once out to sea, the Oarsman encounters islands. Early on in his journey, a technologically primitive people supply him with magical implements-rattles to calm turbulence, cowrie shell dance leggings, charms, a coconut shell cup for divinations. (See Island 1 under Earlier Works.) A later island is composed of images that appear by chance, visual "ready-mades"- depicting a year of Berlin Dreams in a series of seventy-six paintings. (See Island 3 under Earlier Works.)
To date I have fashioned fourteen islands and am currently working on expanding the original Oarslibrary. (See Current Work, Oarslibrary II.)